The Dynamic Digital Map of Knightville and Littleville Dams

Department of Geosciences
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
By Mike Sacchetti

Links to download the latest cross-platform, web-enabled versions of the Dynamic Digital Map of Knightville and Littleville Dams are found below.

Welcome to the first Dynamic Digital Map of the Littleville and Knightville Dams! Located in Huntington, Massachusetts, these dams sit along a chain of flood control and damage reduction projects along the Connecticut River. Knightville Dam is located on the East branch of the Westfield River, while Littleville Lake is located on the Middle Branch.

These Dams provide a valuable service to the area by allowing massive amounts of water to be stored on command. The obvious benefit these dams provide is protection from floodwaters, but Littleville Lake takes it a step further and uses the reservoir for their public water supply. Not only are these dams necessary for the smooth operation and safety of these areas, but they provide valuable recreation and conservation space in this beautiful environment.

This Dynamic Digital Map of Knightville and Littleville Dams will allow you to explore these functional landscapes and get an up close view of what the dams really look like and how they work.